Title: How I Took A Bartending Course And Traveled For Seventeen Years
Author: Steven Nicolle
Publisher: Author Reputation Press
ISBN: 978-1970081503
Pages: 246
Genre: Travel Reference/Culinary Biographies & Memoirs
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

Travel can often be good for a person to grow and learn more about themselves outside of the life they know. It was Saint Augustine who said, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” In author Steven Nicolle’s book How I Took A Bartending Course And Traveled For Seventeen Years, the author recounts his journey of discovery after a bartending course leads to a road of travels that showed him who he really is and changed his outlook completely.

In this memoir, the author explores many facets not only of the bartending world and his journey from the late 70’s onward, but the social and political scene of areas like Montreal during that time and how different the bar going experience was then than it is today – in such a tech heavy society. After traveling throughout Europe during his younger years and returning to Canada, the author began a journey via bartending that would launch a successful career, and give a lifetime of lessons learned along the way.

This was a well written memoir with great insight into the world of bartending; the profession’s evolution and the way the community a bar or bartender themselves is settled in can affect the outcome of said profession. The changes that came with bartending during the late 70’s and 80’s onward to the way it is handled today was an interesting thing to see unfold in this book, as were the stories of the author’s many travels. From his early days finding work in a Russian restaurant in Montreal to working at a Hotel in Switzerland and even serving as a bellboy for Prince Phillip during the World Wildlife Federation event, the author had an eventful life that crafted him into the success he is.

This is a book written for anyone who enjoys the bartending profession, memoirs, travel stories and inspirational stories on growth and development overall. As a fan of memoirs and a dreamer of travel, this book was an easy to pick up read that kept me engaged throughout its entirety. Clear, precise and personal enough to make the reader comfortable and relatable to the author’s own story, this was a truly engaging story.

While bartending is not always viewed as the glamorous job it once was, seeing the profession from the author’s eyes and how it shaped the author’s life overall was a refreshing experience, and goes to show there are many professions in this world that can provide that sense of adventure. This showcases a work ethic to find what you are passionate about in life and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to it. Everyone should pick up their own copy of author Steven Nicolle’s How I Took A Bartending Course And Traveled For Seventeen Years today and discover for themselves how to pursue their own passions in life.

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