Title: Airplane Stories and Histories
Author: Norman Currey
Publisher: Inks and Bindings, LLC
ISBN: 979-8886150292
Pages: 206
Genre: History / Aviation
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews

For over 200 years, aerodynamics has undergone tremendous changes and developments. From the credited pioneers of aircraft such as Sir George Cayley, the Wright brothers, Allan Loughead, Frank Whittle, and many others to the launching of jets, supersonic flights, post-war airliners, and biz jets, contemporary and proficient aeronautical engineer and author, Norman Currey looks at the dawn and development of air combat and travel well into the 21st century.

With meticulously aligned chapters, well-detailed illustrations, and vintage photographs that showcase different aircraft and their key specifications, Currey opens readers to a fascinating panorama behind mankind’s triumph of the skies, the idealists, and designers. Here, inventors, engineers, and pilots are given special honor and a shining tribute for their contributions.

The book outlines every aspect of aviation, looking back at the unparalleled breakthroughs and aerial warfare. For example, upon the US joining the 2nd World War after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, more advanced aircraft were used such as P-47 Thunderbolts and Lockheed P-38 Lightnings were introduced, and later augmented by the faster, newer, and more heavily armed North American P-51 Mustang. Other significant airplanes towards the end of the war were the Focke-Wulf FW 190, and Messerschmitt, both of which were German planes.

Throughout, the book emphasizes valuable but often neglected aspects of aviation history such as the designing, building, and service of all aircraft along with their technological transformation. The text is divided into 15 chapters, as each chapter builds upon the other in remarkable pitch-perfect prose. Currey uses accessible language and explains aviation terms upon their introduction in the reading, making this book not only consumable but also interesting to read as well. The book closes with the author’s exuding confidence in the industry to continue creating more advanced aircraft with greater comfort and world-ranking capability.

With a career in aeronautical engineering spanning decades, Norman Currey has set an exemplar in Airplane Stories and Histories which aviation enthusiasts and students alike will enjoy careening through until the end. Bon Voyage!

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