Title:  Savanna’s Treasure
Author:  C. Behrens
Publisher:  Pen It Publications
ISBN:  2nd Edition Coming Soon!
Pages: 132
Genre:  Children’s Literature
Interviewed by: Lily Amanda

Author Interview with C. Behrens

HBR:  Can you share a snippet that isn’t in the blurb or excerpt?   The most interesting thing about this story is what starts it in motion! Although elephants will dominate the story throughout, it all starts with the striped field mice who are hunted by poachers because they are considered a delicacy in Africa. I found this unique information during my extensive research. Relentless research has always uncovered rare and interesting facts for many of my stories. This book also earned the Silver Medal in the 2015 Moonbeam Awards for Chapter Book/Early Reader! No small feat, considering the competition!

HBR:  Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why?  Each character holds a special place in my heart. If I must choose, it’s Kali. She was lost and scared when she became separated from her family, so how can I not have a special place for her in my heart. Watching her grow and become strong was such a treat, because it wasn’t something I had planned when I started writing. It just happened and surprised me as the story evolved! Later in the story, Kali really shows her strength with full force. Her growth is fun to watch and is a testament to the power of perseverance!

HBR:  What was the inspiration for the story?  The book started as an independent project for a children’s literature class at Dominican College in New York. The inspiration for an animal story hit me while I was watching an episode of Animal Planet with my daughters. It was about elephants and their struggles to survive on the Serengeti. During this one episode, a baby elephant became separated from her family and got stuck in a mud pit. The herd left her behind as they continued their annual migration. It was very sad, and the idea for the story was born in that moment!

HBR:  What is the key theme and/or message in the book?  The key theme and message is two-fold. One is to never give up on anything in life, ever! The second is about unlikely friendships. Humans can learn a lot about the unlikely friendship between Shamba and Kali! Friends can come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and many other variations!

HBR:  What do you hope your readers take away from this book?  I have no doubt readers will learn a lot about the Serengeti and many of the animals that roam the wilds in that part of the planet. I hope readers will have a greater awareness of the dangers these beautiful creatures face every day, and I hope many will be inspired to help these animals in some way.

HBR:  What is the significance of the title?  Great question about the title. It has several meanings! The matriarch of the elephant family is named Savanna. She embodies everything about the savanna and treasures her family more than anything! Shamba is also a treasure since he is considered a delicacy, so the title is about him as well. The elephants’ tusks are treasures to the poachers, so this also relates to the title. Lastly, all the animals are treasures and should be cherished. The title had tremendous meaning, and I am glad you asked this question!

HBR:  Tell us about the process for coming up with the cover.  The cover was interesting. The illustrator did a nice job. It wasn’t very difficult, actually. We both agreed the two main characters should be included. Because the savanna plays a major role in the story and is a character, as well, I wanted it to shine on the cover. I think Kim did a wonderful job with it!

HBR:  Who is your favorite author and why?  My newest favorite author is Jennifer Lynn Melnick. She has written a few beautiful stories for the Highlights for kids’ magazine and has shared other work with me. She does a tremendous job with details and telling an enjoyable story within a minimum number of words. She has a unique style that draws you in and grabs your attention from start to finish. Joseph Gibbs is another favorite new author. Joe’s debut novel, Frank, is a wonderful read. It’s a coming-of-age story that is filled with suspense! Also, I really enjoy Nicholas Sparks’ stories. I love E.B. White, Hemingway, Salinger, Fitzgerald, Flaubert, Turgenev, and so many others.

HBR:  What are you reading now?  As for what I am reading now, I stay within the genre I am working on. I stepped out of the children’s world to write a romance novel for adults. While working on this story, I have read several of Nicholas Sparks’ novels and am currently reading True Believer.

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