Title: O’ Darkness, Darkness! My Son Shall Pass
Author: Carlton Jordan
Publisher: WestBow Press
ISBN: 978-1490890777
Pages: 273
Genre: Spirituality & Literature

Darkness has infiltrated Max and Sylvia’s marriage. Max, a devout Christian, journeys between past and present as he reminisces about his nearly twenty-year union with Sylvia. There is no question that his marriage is teetering on the brink of failure and Max is struggling to understand why.

Max and Sylvia, who keep themselves busy in their home church as youth and music ministers, have somehow grown apart in a congregation with an unnatural number of divorces. As Max recalls the beginning days of their relationship, unearths fault lines in his spiritual walk, and contemplates the downward trajectory of his marriage, he quietly wonders if God even hears him. While Max and Sylvia both struggle with their faith, sometimes leaning on God for guidance—other times going it alone—it seems nothing can stop their relationship from deteriorating. But just when Max is at his lowest point, God sends a messenger whose words cut through the darkness and provide hope.

In this inspirational tale, a man embarks on a spiritual journey to understand not only himself, but the failure of his marriage as God quietly works to reclaim one of His own.

About the Author
Carlton Jordan, a former high school English teacher and current education consultant with over twenty
years’ experience in education, is the author of two novels, ODarkness, Darkness! My Son Shall Pass
and Promise Seeds. Both novels explore spiritual warfare. Carlton has served as a deacon, bible study
teacher, and youth director. In his current position as an education consultant, he works tirelessly
alongside teachers ensuring the potential of the secondary classroom to create a love for literature,
reading, and writing in today’s teens.

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