Title: My Life’s Dream Took Me to Sea
Author: Ronald Epner, MD
Publisher: Newman Springs
ISBN: 978-1684981182
Pages: 400
Genre: Memoir

This book is an engaging tale about one man’s journey of self-discovery and the adventures of living his life’s dream. It was written for three types of readers. Throughout the book, the author shares life skills that brought him a fulfilled and meaningful life. It’s written for the blue-water sailor with insights from seventy years of sailing experience, and it’s written for the armchair sailor who wishes to experience what it’s like to sail one’s own boat across oceans to foreign lands.

Life skills learned and shared by the author enabled the manifestation of a life of challenge, fulfillment, and adventure. These skills can be learned and applied successfully by anyone choosing to create for himself or herself the lives they wish. These same skills saved the author’s life on multiple occasions and could be the greatest gift from reading this book.

Experienced sailors will come away with detailed knowledge of how to avoid some common emergencies at sea, some not so well-known boat maintenance tidbits and ideas and a strategy of how to survive a heart attack far away from help at sea for several days.

The armchair sailor will have many of his questions answered about what it’s like to be on long-distance open water passages and visiting unique and fantasy islands like Bora Bora, Tahiti, and the Tuamotus archipelago of French Polynesia. The voyage transports readers to vicariously experiencing islands like Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, to name just a few.

A synopsis of the blog of the author’s vessel Always Saturday provides a contemporaneous account of the highlights of the passage starting from the transit of the Panama Canal and continuing all the way to Asia.

About the book
The author was taught to sail by his father starting at age four. He graduated college as a chemical engineer. He went to work for
Esso Research and Engineering Company and helped design petroleum plants. After a few years, he with his new wife, chose to move to Mexico to study medicine in Spanish. He graduated from Cornell University Medical College in 1976 and eventually specialized in orthopedic and hand microsurgery. He became interested in personal growth in the late 1980s. At fifty years old, he retired from his orthopedic practice to sail around the world while being available to provide emergency medical care to fellow sailors. He has always been an avid tennis player and in retirement devotes his time to studying COVID-19 vaccines, building things, woodworking, cycling, and dabbling in crypto currency.

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