Title: Carrion Moon
Author: Joe Kilgore
Publisher: Encircle Publications
ISBN: 978-1645994923
Pages: 222
Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Suspense
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews

No matter how many things change in our lives, nor how many new memories we make along the way, there are always some things from our past which defines us, or continues to play across the theater – in our minds. The past can haunt us, define us, or become the springboard for which new and thrilling paths come to our aid. The need to find those paths is pertinent, and yet in certain situations, the past can come back for us in shocking and unexpected ways.

In author Joe Kilgore’s upcoming novel Carrion Moon, the past comes back in brutal ways for private investigator Brig Ellis. A former military serviceman, Brig is on his way to pick up the ashes of an old friend when he inadvertently becomes the prime suspect in a series of brutal killings, including that of the friend he came to lay to rest. Soon he is on the run, forced to look into the killings himself, and discovering a shocking connection to a military mission gone wrong in his past. Brig must work to solve the murders and stop the brutal killer before the body count continues to rise in this exhilarating murder mystery meets thriller.

The author does a wonderful job of capturing the classic noir style detective story for modern audiences. The tension and suspense the author is able to infuse into the writing style of this book kept me engaged in this narrative, as Brig’s life begins to become increasingly difficult as time goes by. The shocking developments which happen to the characters in this book help elevate Brig and his character arc, as we see his charming yet powerful detective character grow exponentially, and the mental impact his past has on the present. The imagery which is added to this writing allows the reader to feel transported – both to the past and the present of this narrative, feeling the adrenaline and fear of the military mission of the past and the suspense of the present-day investigation.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy mystery novels, especially those who enjoy murder mystery reads, thrillers, and suspense novels. As a fan of these genres, it was so enjoyable to read these noir elements infused into the narrative, with the gritty detective story and the classic “law turning against the investigator” storytelling elements come to life in this book, and yet still remain fresh and enthralling to read.

Memorable, entertaining, and adrenaline-fueled, author Joe Kilgore’s Carrion Moon is a must-read suspense thriller and the perfect pairing with iconic noir detective storytelling. The shocking twists and turns the story takes, as well as the haunting narrative of the protagonist’s past and the memorable action and suspense made this the perfect read. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy of this incredible read today!

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