Title: Cranky Superpowers: Life lessons Learned from the Common CrankaTsuris Chronicles
Author: Steven Joseph 
Publisher: Enigami Publishing
ISBN: 979-8987611760
Pages: 220
Genre: Parenting & Families / Humor/Self-Help  
Reviewed by: Christina Avina


Hollywood Book Reviews


One of life’s biggest challenges is finding the right means of communication. Communication is an important tool in any relationship, be it with our parents, our siblings, our coworkers, and especially our loved ones. Being able to effectively communicate our own needs and wants while also acknowledging the needs of others is an important aspect of life which is often missed when we are lost in our own minds, and being able to communicate those challenges is essential to growing as a person.

In author Steven Joseph’s Cranky Superpowers: Life lessons Learned from the Common CrankaTsuris Chronicles, the author shares a collection of short stories, personal anecdotes, and memories to showcase the importance of maintaining relationships, and the humor which can be found in our daily lives. Oftentimes misunderstandings, crankiness, and the struggles of daily life can take a toll on us all, but it takes a specifically strong person to find the rich hilarity in those situations, all while utilizing the tools of self-discovery we all need in life.

These were some truly funny, heartfelt, and engaging stories. The fast-pace of the narratives and the creativeness of the stories were so captivating, and the honesty and depth of the personal tales make this a compelling story. The relatability of the author’s experiences, including being stuck behind a slow person in line at the grocery store, may seem simple at times, and yet is something we can all experience and is told in a fun and exciting way. The passion for the narratives and the authentic voice the author takes on in his writing is brilliantly posted, and the look at the cranky nature of life in general is great to see.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy a mixture of non-fiction and fictional elements, as well as personal anecdotes and humor overall. What made these stories shine so brightly was the overall theme of finding ways to control our emotions and become much more patient and emotionally honest versions of ourselves overall to overcome that cranky side of life. The passion for this theme really made these stories stand out, including Cinderella CrankaTsuris. 

Passionately written, heartfelt, and engaging, author Steven Joseph’s Cranky Superpowers: Life lessons Learned from the Common CrankaTsuris Chronicles is a must-read non-fiction and fiction novel of humor and creativity. The honest and inspiring nature of these stories will keep readers coming back time and time again, honing in on the importance of fostering good relationships and controlling our emotions to the best of our capabilities.  

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