Title: Critical Thinkers
Author: G. Janice Miller
Publisher: ‎Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1644169391
Pages: 76
Genre: Christian
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.

Hollywood Book Reviews

Author G. Janice Miller’s Critical Thinkers is a Christian resource which seeks to undo the shallow and fragmented style of thought that is being witnessed today, generated by a missing and easily disregarded element in spirituality – critical thinking.

The author starts by defining critical thinking as “the capacity to evaluate skillfully and fairly the quality of evidence and detect error, hypocrisy, manipulation, dissembling (concealing one’s true motives), and bias.” That capacity has been of the deepest worry for the last three decades to global authorities after The Foundation for Critical Thinking enunciated that most academic faculties lack a substantive concept of critical thinking.

Miller strongly believes numerous people have lived in civilizations where they were encouraged to develop assessments and beliefs before they could have sufficient basis to comprehend the issues. Pair this with the human propensity to overrate their spectrum of insight, and it results in perpetuating fragmentation – or what she terms as shallow thinking. This is a mishap which she believes can be defeated by regularly examining, evaluating, and reconstructing the thought approach. With well-researched facts from different Bible translations and other momentous Christian aids, Miller sets out on a journey to reveal why critical thinking is paramount to modern-day Christian living.

Critical Thinkers is a text which ably reveals how conceptualization and brainstorming skills can come in handy for almost any situation. Christians who may have associated the words “critical thinking” with secular humanist agendas will realize that God’s Word has provided enough foundation for logic, and therefore critical thinking should be embraced to overcome present-day challenges such as the unfavorable effects of postmodernism, relativism, political expediency, and other un-biblical philosophies that have managed to hold back many people over the years.

This book is an eye-opener and easy to read and understand. It inspires the exercising of a skill which is deemed a threat to many cultures’ views of political correctness because it encourages people to see things from a different perspective; by thinking through an idea. Explore fascinating acuities into the biases and propensities which make many individuals predictably irrational in this compelling read. I highly recommended this for Christian readers of all age brackets.