Title: Echoes from the Old Testament: Wisdom for Teens
Author:  Quinn Morris
Publisher:  PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 979-8886223323
Pages: 144
Genre: Christian / Self help
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews


Echoes from the Old Testament: Wisdom for Teens by Quinn Morris is an extraordinary spiritual handbook that draws clever engagements with central Bible characters of the old, and whose end result is to have readers equipped with life-transforming wisdom essential to developing a finer relationship with God.

Morris has proficiently imagined a setting with notable women in the Bible such as Eve, Hannah, Deborah, and Esther, among others, and adeptly invited readers to have a sitting with them for a solid question-and-answer moment regarding their physical and spiritual journeys and experiences, which brims with priceless lessons acquired from their difficult moments and human errors. Some of these women are persons who stood the test of time and whose voices, the author hopes, will consequently stir up readers to advance themselves into people of influence that can be referred to in the future.

Interestingly, the author has incorporated unlikely characters such as Jezebel who for decades has been saddled with a reputation of the “bad girl” of the Bible and the most wicked of women. It is fascinating to read what this ancient queen has to say regarding some of her deep secrets that saw men manipulated to do whatever she wanted. Overall, Alice’s responses stood out for me in regard to building a solid family foundation as she shares wisdom nuggets regarding the manner in which partners ought to treat each other as equals and with respect, among others.

As has been famously believed, different activities that occurred in the Bible were too many to be recorded otherwise the Holy Book would have become too bulky. However, this deeply imagined fictional work has been able to give a summarized exposition of reasons behind famous persons’ behaviors and the consequences thereafter. It is therefore a valuable resource that will transform young mindsets regarding life in general in addition to endowing them with a prudent sense for a brighter future.

I found Quinn Morris’ Echoes from the Old Testament: Wisdom for Teens to be a very profound and thought-provoking Christian read that is robust enough to educate and inspire young people into becoming better decision-makers after acquiring a clearer perspective into life’s peaks and troughs through its well-researched content. I undeniably recommend it as an essential read in Christian living and faith development.

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