Title: Maria and the Stars of Nazca
Spanish Title:  Maria y las Estrellas de Nazca
Author: Anita Jepson-Gilbert
Publisher:  Book Savvy International Inc.
ISBN: 978-961204-49-2
Pages: 67
Genre: Educational / Bi-Lingual / English-Spanish
Reviewed by: Beth Adams

Hollywood Book Reviews

As a reviewer, I have been aware of the Nazca Lines for decades, being first introduced to these anomalies by the famous Swiss researcher and author, Erich von Däniken, in his groundbreaking book, Chariots of the Gods.  Author Anita Jepson-Gilbert takes tidbits from the research of Maria Reiche, and with the collaboration of others, has compiled a book set to a simple vernacular interleaving both English and Spanish explaining the Nazca Lines. 

These lines are not distinguishable on the surface, but when observed from a height, they depict many diverse creatures; a hummingbird, a lizard, a dog walking on two legs, snakes and others.  What is the origin of these lines, and what is their purpose?  These questions have spurred the curiosity of many throughout the centuries, and still are an enigma in present times. 

Maria and the Stars of Nazca brings readers to focus on a main character, Maria, as she discovers the anomalies of these unique lines, identifying the creatures depicted and pondering their hidden meaning.  It is a wonderful way to bring the existence of such a pre-civilization artifact to the awareness of children.  However, most importantly, it is written in both English and Spanish, showing readers the vocabulary and grammar of each of the two languages; each saying the same sentences.  This is a wonderful tool to aid in teaching ESL to Spanish speaking youth.

The book is rather brief in its messaging; however, it opens the door for further research and information which can be gathered by youngsters as they mature, who may have had their interest sparked by this simple narrative.  It is the first time many readers will hear about the Nazca Lines, and will no doubt open their minds to the many amazing historic civilizations which have left an unexplained legacy of evidence on Earth to be analyzed and identified as to its purpose by the emerging younger generations to come.  Why would pictures be drawn on the surface which only can be seen correctly from the sky, thousands of years prior to man’s ability to fly?  For extraterrestrials to see?  Someday we all will learn – things are not what history teaches.

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