Title: Rational Polemics: Tackling The Ethical Dilemmas of Life
Author: Richard Todd Devens
Publisher: Outskirts Press; Illustrated edition
ISBN: 978-1432798802
Pages: 228
Genre: Philosophy / Politics & Social Sciences
Reviewed by:  Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

A topic of much discussion amongst people of different religions or viewpoints around the world is the question of morality. What truly defines morality, does it truly exist, and does one person’s personal morality become the world’s definition of morality? This has been a nagging question on many people’s minds over the years, as our shared sense of morality often conflicts with our own personal natures. As Arthur C. Clarke once said, “The greatest tragedy in mankind’s entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion.”

In author Richard Todd Devens’s book, Rational Polemics: Tackling The Ethical Dilemmas of Life, the author takes readers on a philosophical journey to understand the ideas and values most people have been taught to believe over the years, and whether or not there is any truth to them. From whether or not drugs should be illegal or if poetic justice exists, to more extreme questions like those concerning prostitution or cannibalism, this book takes readers to self-described “outrageous and controversial” heights as the author investigates what happens when religion is stripped away from the question of morality, and instead people must examine morality through their own lens.

This is truly a fascinating book to read. The book covers the most taboo and incendiary topics in our society and approaches them from rather unique perspectives. What stands out the most about this book is that it is not a “how-to” guide of any sort, but a pure philosophical journey which allows the reader to see new perspectives on topics other than their own. The reader isn’t being told how to believe or what to do with the questions being presented, but rather is creating conversations amongst ourselves, and challenging the notion of “good” and “evil” which society has crafted, often based on religious viewpoints.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy books on philosophy, especially when mixed with humor and wit that brings a lighthearted tone to some truly serious and sometimes even off-putting topics (such as that of cannibalism). It is also the perfect read for those who are not particularly religious and are seeking a means of approaching morality from a different perspective. As someone who is not particularly religious nor atheist entirely, it was intellectually stimulating to approach these topics from a direction not based on societal goals, but rather my own personal feelings and thoughts.

A remarkable, thought-provoking, and evenly-paced read, author Richard Todd Devens’s Rational Polemics: Tackling The Ethical Dilemmas of Life is a must-read philosophy book. Inspiring readers to delve deep into their own viewpoints without the veil of religion to cloud their thinking, the author does a great job of bringing heart and humor into some truly mind-blowing discussions, and makes for a fascinating read.

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