Title: Satan’s Shadow in Abrahamic Religions: Clerics’ Defiance of God’s Creation Sabbath Day Mandate in Celebrating Charles Darwin’s Evolution Day in Their Places of Worship
Author: Michael Ebifegha
Publisher: ‎Media Reviews
ISBN: 978-1958091494
Pages: 262
Genre: Religious/Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.

Hollywood Book Reviews

Satan’s Shadow in Abrahamic Religions: Clerics’ Defiance of God’s Creation Sabbath Day Mandate in Celebrating Charles Darwin’s Evolution Day in Their Places of Worship by author Michael Ebifegha is a comprehensive Christian publication which looks to relay an impartial articulation of the pertinence of God’s Creation Sabbath Day (GCSD), to the populace who may have shunned it and to dilate the understanding of people who presently recognize it.

Author Ebifegha indicates that currently many people are perceiving God’s six days of creation stipulated in the Moses commandments as a myth. He feels that putting an end to the memorial of divine creation from peoples’ senses has sadly kept ajar a door that accommodates competing theories such as Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, as foundational scientific truth. In not recognizing God’s six days of creation as literal facts, he believes humankind plunges into the sin of contending to be additionally wiser than God.

In his research, Ebifegha has come across scholarly works which try to make a case for whether the GCSD law stays binding or has been supplanted, a debate that invariably focuses on the suitable day of Christian deification while paying little attention to the verity that the Sabbath commandment is God’s law on origins. He feels Satan has made the case of Sabbath adherence the main battlefield, making sense of why God did not want to leave the subject of human origins in the hands of evolutionists whose intent is to encourage materialism.

‘Is it a sin to not keep the Sabbath?’ This is a highly argued topic that the majority of people maintain to be a directive from the old mosaic covenant which is already gone. These and many other similar notions have been exhibited as pseudo-theological stands, which the author finds erroneous and which he expects this publication will convince people to drop. Much of the shared insight may require a reader to first shift their standpoint to fully grasp his meticulous findings and unsearchable truths regarding the presents of a Deity who has not changed since the beginning of the world.

This text can be read by anyone who wishes to understand the GCSD mandate better, as well as those who desire to generally grow their faith. Simple, cozy, but highly factual, best describe this illuminating read. Satan’s Shadow in Abrahamic Religions: Clerics’ Defiance of God’s Creation Sabbath Day Mandate in Celebrating Charles Darwin’s Evolution Day in Their Places of Worship is, a remarkable resource that Christian homes, churches, and evangelistic groups will want to keep as a handy tool for teaching current and future generations of the ancient but crucial ways of the Lord.