Title: Silent Echoes
Author: Reverend Carl Yount
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1647536305
Pages: 120
Genre: Inspirational & Religious Poetry
Reviewed by: Christina Avina


Hollywood Book Reviews


For centuries, humanity has craved to find creative and profound ways of expressing their emotions and using this format to not only channel these feelings, but to understand them and work through them on a deeper level. One such format is the use of poetry. From the first Epic Poem from an unknown writer who told the Epic Quest of Gilgamesh to the era of romanticism with poets such as John Keats and even philosophical poetry from thinkers like Aristotle, poetry has become a passionate way of delving into some thought-provoking and emotional wellsprings within us all.

In author and Reverend Carl Yount’s Silent Echoes, readers are treated to a journey showcasing the darker tales and consequently the darker side of life in general, which only epic poetry can tackle. Each poem reflects a conversation or an experience the poet had in his travels, exploring the conflicting nature of day-to-day life which often comes with hardships and struggles in our lives. From the everyday nature of paying bills on time, or working a job to more profound experiences such as the loss of a loved one, or the loss of love in general, the author brings a creative spin on these engaging topics and to face these challenges head on, shedding the fears of the past to face these hardships and find a more interesting and creative path in life.

This book of poetry is incredibly well-written, giving readers a collection of poems that are deep and truly creative. The author has a way with words in which the poems themselves echo a sense of imagery, painting very vivid images in the readers’ minds as the fantastic scenarios that represent life’s challenges take on a life all their own. The author’s pacing balances out the blend of various writing styles within his own poetry, exploring the differences and similarities between the various poetry styles he has come to know and love throughout his travels.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy poetry, in particular Epic Poetry that includes a hint of spirituality and philosophical storytelling within the poems. As a fan of the genre, it was truly engaging and mesmerizing to read this poetry and feel a sense of connection to the author’s words, exploring the darkness that inhabits everyday life for humanity in a very creative way while also providing an escape and way of confronting that darkness through that creativity. As with many books of this genre, my second reading brought even more sensations, awareness, and deeper enjoyment.

A beautiful, haunting and thought-provoking collection, author and Reverend Carl Yount’s Silent Echoes is a must-read book of Epic Poetry. The themes and subjects explored in this dark poetry are profound and give the reader a chance to confront some of the darkness within their own lives, while providing a great escape from everyday life through some incredibly well-written and artful poetry.

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