Title: Soul Wars
Author: Chris Kline
Publisher: Workbook Press
ISBN: 9781956876123
Pages: 483
Genre: Spirituality
Reviewed by: Rae Capri

Hollywood Book Reviews

Many might not understand a spiritual war is occurring around us, whether to gather members for good or evil. The way we live our lives is the determining factor in what happens to our souls after we die. Guardian Angels and Destructive Demons lurk in plain sight, but only those who are tapped into a level of spiritual intellect to view apparitions will see them. The constant tug-of-war on who to protect or possess is a never-ending cycle. One of the main reasons why religion and faith exist is in preparation for what is yet to come. It requires full awareness, the ability to practice discernment, and to right our wrongs because no one is safe in the spiritual realm, veil slowly falls. Family matters consist of our fellow men, women, and children, as a spiritual world is not a shared journey because our beliefs are on a solo path towards redemption or damnation.

In Soul Wars, author Chris Kline writes an encouraging and enlightening story about people, angels, and demons. Light is shed on humans living their lives, unaware of the spiritual realm where angels and demons roam the earth to fulfill their assigned duties. Since it is a lesson of the soul, not many understand that everyone is going through a tug-of-war on whether or not to continue on a good or bad path. As we read, we see the character development guides the readers to learn a bit more about the characters and their purpose in the book. No two journeys are the same, yet many might share similar pathways because they are to align with certain individuals. When a person meets another, things usually happen beyond the physical world, which could be the inner workings of angels or demons. The angel’s goals are to bring people closer to God, while the demon’s goals are to lure people through an evil path to eternal damnation. Following each family in this small community, uncovering their ways of life, and whether they are prayed up or not, tells a lot about the various issues in the world.

Reading the inner chapters of the characters’ lives proves that God has something planned for everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone is as easily receptive as the rest, although eventually, everyone will come to understand their life’s purpose. Learning as a witness the fulfilling feeling of joy by having the Holy Spirit traveling through you, as shared by Mary, proves how real God is. Everyone is a walking testimony because no two lives are the same and every encounter where spiritual journeys are concerned, consists of various emotions. We must steer in the appropriate direction that serves God to become highly favored. Many will realize that leading an outstandingly faithful life with God as number one will make living on earth an interesting task to date. Although faith is for all, not many are willing to do their part, which is an unfortunate thing, and their life will always have a feeling void. All the struggles, obstacles, and tribulations one will go through are only to strengthen one’s faith for preparation for the plans God has for each of us.

The author gave amazing instances that help people see just how special prayers are, it is a direct connection to open communication with God. A takeaway from this book is knowing that angels protect us, but demons lurk in the shadows. Permission is granted from outlets that we create or otherwise. Our loyalty to God is tested throughout our lives until our last breath, it in our best interest to prevail.

I like reading about the Smith family because they were not only relatable to the urban community, but their faith as a family remained strong despite all the negative things which transpired in their lives. To read about this family and how they prayed and were grateful for every experience no matter what, they also were inspirational to others. Planting a small seed of faith into the hearts of people they encountered, allowed the recipients to feel a sense of peace and goodness. George and Mary instilled their beliefs in their son Walter, which brings unity into their home. Throughout the book, we are encouraged to build a stronger relationship with God, as demonstrated by the characters who have placed their life into His hands. To give all your worries, stresses, struggles, and to our loving Father, only fuels us to serve Him even more. Everything can be taken care of if we believe and keep our faith strong. Yes, we would be tested throughout our lives but that should make us want to strive to be even better children of God. I highly recommend this book to others, knowing about how much you are loved can only be the first step to bringing one closer to eternal life.