Title: Stepping out of Darkness
Author: Evyn Vernee
Publisher: iUniverse 
ISBN: 1491777362
Pages: 298
Genre: Metaphysical & Visionary /Science Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel  

Hollywood Book Reviews


On the surface, Kalyse is ordinary with loving parents and good friends helping her as she searches for who she wants to become. Her life is filled with questions and uncertainties as she faces the ups-and-downs of growing up. She begins to wonder if she can enter the gates of glory and finds herself drawn to the darkness. Torn between the light and dark, she discovers what each side would mean for her soul as her loved ones provide her with guidance along the way. The story is an exploration of humanity and spirituality through manifestations of the darkness through the Underworld and the appearances of the Messiah in his kingdom. 

The story has several components which weave between the Master Source in the Underworld, Kalyse on Earth, and the Messiah’s kingdom. Each element helps to create a well-rounded tale of discovery, triumph, and struggle, told through Kalyse’s journey at a crossroads between these two sides. There are two distinct sides to the story: light and dark. The Underworld is described with a grittier tone and the Messiah is within a vast kingdom, with dialogue that creates a feeling of them constantly watching the humans in the middle. The story has a religious tone through the presence of the Messiah watching and the various characters searching for the light and fear of the creatures below. The concept of light vs. dark is represented through the characters, primarily Kalyse. However, this internal conflict is an important part of each character’s arc and the choices they make. 

The writing often has a comparison between the two – such as the beasts of the kingdom different from those below and various beings from a seductive vampire to an Elder. The tug-of-war between the two sides is the story’s focus, with every character impacted in one way or another. This delivers a sensation of a battle for the soul that is at the center of humanity’s internal conflict. By going between perspectives, you become a spectator to the events that are occurring and you come to understand what is at stake. Though the story has a stronger focus on Kalyse, everyone around her influences the outcome of her journey. The Underworld uses tactics throughout that aim to tear her down further and pull her into isolation, such as using anger to pit her and her father against one another. 

The structure is an intriguing way to get to know a character with the perspective of her parents serving as an important aspect of allowing for this. You meet them before Kalyse is even born and through them, you see the hope they have for her even then which makes you root for her to succeed. This creates a foundation for this family that has love and celebration at its core which is seen throughout their various dynamics, even when they’re at odds with each other. The characters aren’t perfect with flaws and conflicts that make them feel like real people. Darkness is gradually added into Kalyse’s life as she grows up with questions about God and who is bad which puts her directly between the two. Many will find a way to relate to her because of this and perhaps find their own answers. Suspense is subtly incorporated as you weave between the characters and watch the Master Source devise plans of fear to cause her to fall through feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. 

Stepping out of Darkness is a spiritual exploration told through flawed and realistic characters searching for answers amid a spiritual tug-of-war.

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