Title: The Power of Passion
Author: Dennis W.C. Wong
Publisher: Writers Branding, LLC
ISBN: 978-1954341265
Pages: 122
Genre:  Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

It has been said, time and time again, love is truly one of the most powerful forces the world has to offer. Love can bridge the gap between soulmates, siblings, parents and their children, and even friends suffering from some disagreement. Wars have been fought over love, and have been fought to preserve love in return. As Honoré de Balzac once said, “True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.”

In author Dennis W.C. Wong’s The Power of Passion, the author explores love in light of oppression from a family member. When Eddie brings his fiancé Flora to meet his mother, life becomes difficult when his mother refuses to accept Flora. Coming from a Chinese family, Mrs. Kate, Eddie’s mother, refuses to accept his son’s soon to be bride as she is Hawaiian. The novel explores the family’s attempt to bring Mrs. Kate some clarity and break the preconceived notions that have clouded her mind, while also exploring the power of love and how even the people who hold hatred in their hearts can find redemption and hope through love, even if it is not their own.

This is an engaging narrative to say the least. The exploration of a mother’s clash of racism clouding her judgement and twisting her love for her son was truly thought-provoking. Her hatred for his wife to be simply because she was born Hawaiian and not Chinese is a unique way of exploring racism, as most narratives involving this topic explore the subject in terms of White American’s racism towards Black Americans. Flipping the script and showcasing such an important topic in this way really allowed the ridiculousness and sad nature of those who hate others simply because of their race. The balance the author found with this theme and the narrative that focused on love in all its forms was really exciting to read. The book not only explored Eddie and Flora’s powerful love, but the love between parents and their children, a daughter-in-law who never gave up trying to love her mother-in-law, and even the bonds of friendship we create along the way.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy contemporary romances, especially those that tie themes of fighting racism and family into the narratives. As a fan of this genre, it was great to see such important topics blending so seamlessly into the romantic narrative, and the authors sense of realism was felt throughout this novel in his descriptive writing style and both heartbreaking and heartwarming twists and turns in the narrative.

A fantastic, short yet powerful read, author Dennis W.C. Wong’s The Power of Passion is a must-read contemporary romance. The novel was expertly crafted, and effortlessly balanced important themes in our modern world with romance, culture, and a sense of family that all tied love into them.

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