Title: Truth to Origin
Author: Gregg Jann
Publisher: Book Savvy International
ISBN: 978-1958876381
Pages: 97
Genre: Health / Psychology
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of life’s most precious commodities is one’s personal memories. Memories may come and go in our life, but they all reside deep within us all, waiting to be rediscovered. For some, time is the great motivator which eventually brings those moments back into our lives, while for others, the memories remain elusive until something triggers the memories to resurface. There are many professions who have dedicated themselves to the recovery and discovery of lost memories, and one powerful tool used is Re-memory, the use of scents, sounds, and other senses to trigger a powerful memory recovery.

In author Gregg Jann’s Truth to Origins, the author explores the power of memory through a stream of consciousness which brings multiple memories back to the author’s mind. Through themes of mental illness, truth and justice, and the impact of faith on health overall, the author utilizes his unique writing style to share his experiences and pivotal moments in life which speak to the struggles and triumphs over his own mental health, and the subsequent look into laws that are needed to protect people’s intellectual property, while also educating people on non-violence and mental health overall.

The author’s unique writing style and tone set the stage immediately for a stream of consciousness that speaks to the author’s passion and drive in bringing attention to so many issues facing our world today. The emphasis the author puts on mental health and the way the author isn’t afraid to delve into his own mental health struggles to bring attention to this issue was remarkable to read, as it gave both credence and care to the topic and allows the reader to really see the expertise with which the author approaches each and every topic in this book. The imagery the author’s writing conjures up also allows the reader to really get a clear sense of who the author is, and what his memories and struggles have all stemmed from in a clear light.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction reads, especially those that enjoy books on mental health awareness, the issue of piracy in a capitalist world, and books which help students to learn about rare opportunities to practice non-violence and social skills. The importance on a person’s emotional and mental well-being and the studious approach to the author’s thesis titled The Jann Amendment was well developed and gave readers a truly thought-provoking look into the author’s passion for change in our nation’s laws to better help protect people’s intellectual property. Readers will also appreciate the faith-based approach the author takes as he relates his own belief system and how it played a role on his childhood and his approach to this mental health future as well.

Memorable, thoughtful, and engaging, author Gregg Jann’s Truth to Origin is a must-read non-fiction book on mental health, justice against piracy, and one man’s journey to speak up for those often without a voice. The heart and thought-provoking nature of the author’s work and the inspiring work he puts into the subjects he speaks so passionately for will invigorate and motivate readers to learn about these topics and make the changes needed to speak to lawmakers for future change.